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Sensory Friendly Services

A Welcoming Environment

Sensory Friendly Performances

Sensory-friendly performances are designed to create a welcoming environment for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other individuals with sensory sensitivities. Accommodations for this performance include keeping the theatre lights dimmed, providing extra space between patrons, freedom to vocalize and move/switch seats, and allowing patrons to exit and enter during the performance. This service provides a relaxed and accepting atmosphere. Although these performances are adapted specifically to accommodate for patrons with sensory  sensitivities, the general public is welcome to attend.

Sensory Friendly Performances

Accommodations typically include the following:

  • Theater will not be filled to capacity, therefore audience members can select their own seats
  • Patrons will be allowed to move freely through the aisles
  • Individuals are free to vocalize during the performance
  • House Lights will remain on at low level during performance
  • To give warning to the audience, sudden loud sounds or startling moments will be signaled in advance
  • Entering and exiting the theatre will be allowed throughout the performance
  • A “quiet room” at the back of the theater provides continued viewing away from the audience
  • Additional quiet space provided completely away from the theater

Noise Reduction Headphones

Noise Reducing Headphones are available for patron use at The Kentucky Center and the Brown Theatre. Headphones can benefit individuals attending performances who have Autism Spectrum Disorders or other sensory sensitivities. No reservations needed, simply stop by the Coat Check to pick up the headphones.

Autism Friendly Business

Kentucky Performing Arts is an autism friendly business. An Autism Friendly Business has received training in the area of Autism Awareness, Acceptance, and Appreciation as developed by FEAT of Louisville and the Autism Friendly Community.

FEAT of Louisville »

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